Posted by : We Need Money Jumat, 19 Agustus 2016

Welcome to our blog, In this post we will give the meaning of our group name which is We Need Money.

Well, our group was made spontaneously but that doesn't mean that our group didn't have a meaning. We chose the name of our group as We Need Money spontaneously, but we also considered about the meaning of the name besides it was a cool name (in our opinion).

The meaning of We Need Money is that money is one of the essential elements in management and finance. Just imagine about the people who run the company or organization. Without money, for sure those people would get so many obstacles and the company would not run well. To fulfill the needs and to grow the company, we need to buy supplies, equipments, and maybe we need to go to the capital market, and to do all of those things we need money. Ok, let's talk about the beginning, when people want to start a business and company, they absolutely need money. Without money, all of those things will be so difficult to be done. So, we realize that money is an essential thing in management and finance, that's why we choose our group name as "We Need Money".

We also consider that this subject is about Finance Management. So beside we need money in business, we also need to know how to use and handle the money very well; it would be useless if we don't know how to use, and handle money very well and wisely. This is a good chance for us, where we know that money is one of the essential things in business, we also realize that we need to know how to use, handle and allocate money well and wisely. So, as we named our group "We Need Money", we also want to learn in this subject (Finance Management) about how to use, handle and allocate money very well and wisely for developing the business to the good, or even better, direction.

So, the point is that the meaning of our group is when people want to start or run a company, people need money, and money is one of the essential elements in business.

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